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Xaasio Service Provider Cloud

Xaasio Service Provider Cloud with Cloud Billing and Hosting Automation is a Turnkey solution tailored to service providers, such as telecom operators, managed service providers (MSPs), and cloud service providers (CSPs).

This solution enables these organizations to deliver a wide range of cloud services efficiently to their customers while ensuring transparent, accurate billing and automated hosting management. The integration of cloud billing and hosting automation streamlines operations reduces manual efforts, and enhances the overall customer experience by providing a seamless, scalable, and cost-effective service delivery platform.

Key Components

Cloud Hosting

Automated Provisioning

Automatically allocates cloud resources like compute, storage, and networking based on customer requests, reducing the time and effort required for manual provisioning.

Self-service Portals

Enables end-users to manage their cloud resources directly, including scaling up or down based on demand, without needing to contact support.


Coordinates complex processes across multiple cloud environments to deploy, manage, and connect services efficiently.


Seamlessly integrates with existing systems and third-party services, providing a flexible and interoperable environment that supports a wide range of applications and workloads.

Cloud Billing

Usage Tracking and Metering

Monitors and records the use of cloud resources in real-time, enabling precise billing based on actual consumption.

Flexible Billing Models

Supports various billing models, including pay-as-you-go, subscription-based, and tiered pricing, catering to different customer needs and consumption patterns.

Automated Invoicing

Generates and sends invoices automatically, streamlining the billing process and reducing administrative overhead.

Transparency and Analytics

Provides detailed usage reports and analytics to both the provider and customers, enhancing transparency and enabling data-driven decision-making.

Key Benefits

Operational Efficiency

Automation reduces manual processes, leading to lower operational costs and higher efficiency.


Easily scales to accommodate growth in customer base and service demand without compromising performance or customer experience.

Customer Satisfaction

Self-service capabilities and transparent billing improve the customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Revenue Growth

Enables service providers to quickly launch and monetize new services, tapping into new revenue streams and market segments.

Xaasio Solution

Xaasio Service Provider Cloud is designed to deliver a hyperscaler experience by leveraging the powerful combination of OpenStack for cloud infrastructure management, Kubernetes for container orchestration, and Ceph for scalable storage. Integrated with the sophisticated Xaasio BSS Module—cloud billing and hosting automation software—this solution empowers service providers to offer their customers a flexible, scalable, and efficient cloud service platform, mirroring the capabilities and user experience of leading hyperscalers.

Xaasio BSS – Cloud Billing and Hosting Automation Software

Xaasio BSS, the cloud billing and hosting automation software, is the linchpin that ties together the capabilities of OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Ceph with a seamless, automated billing and management experience. This software provides:

  • Automated Provisioning: Instant provisioning of cloud resources as per customer requests, enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Flexible Billing Models: Supports a variety of billing models, including usage-based, subscription, and tiered pricing, ensuring transparency and fairness in billing practices.

  • Self-service Portals: Offers end-users control over their resources, improving customer satisfaction through empowerment and flexibility.

  • Real-time Usage and Billing Metrics: Ensures accurate billing and provides insights into usage patterns, helping customers optimize their resource utilization.

Xaasio Solution

  • Hyperscaler Experience: Delivers a cloud service experience on par with leading hyperscalers, combining scalability, flexibility, and a wide range of services.

  • Operational Efficiency: Automation reduces manual intervention, lowering operational costs and improving service delivery speed.

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Self-service capabilities and transparent billing enhance the user experience, leading to higher retention rates.

  • Scalability and Reliability: The integration of OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Ceph ensures that the infrastructure is scalable, resilient, and capable of supporting growth without compromising performance.

  • Cost Optimization: With detailed insights into usage and costs, customers can optimize their cloud spending, getting the best value for their investments.

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